It is not fake it till you make it…

Chengeer Lee
2 min readMar 11, 2024

My life as a researcher taught me the most invaluable lesson.
→ A successful experiment is a result of thousands of failed experiments.

This is how I have developed a healthy relationship with Failure.

By understanding that:
❌ Failure is not the opposite of success.
✅ It is its Core Ingredient.

Every single failure is taking you closer to where you want to be if you learn from it.

This teaches you to love Failure.
Seek it.
To learn how to fail faster, smarter, cheaper.

A successful business is iterating fast on the things that are not working and doing more of the things that do work.

A life of balance, purpose, and meaning is a product of countless iterations on your thinking.

The more robust are your systems of thinking, the more pleasant is your Human Experience.

You are where you are and you are who you are because your thinking took you there.
Your current thinking will not take you to where you want to be.
→ You will have to examine your life to understand what thinking is not working.

Doing it alone is hard.
❓ Why?
→ You can’t get outside of your own head.
⛓️ 🧠 ⛓️

This is precisely why coaching works:

1. A Coach is an external source of your awareness.
I see what you don’t see. Your Blindspots. Transformation can only happen if there is awareness.

2 A Coach is there to pressure-test your current programming.
I am not invested in keeping you at your current level of consciousness. My job is to challenge the code, and if it breaks, help you rewrite it.

3. A Coach has skin in the game.
I am invested. If I fail you as a Coach, it’s on me. If you fail yourself as a Coachee, that’s on you. What we are doing is not nice chats in the coffee shop. This is serious deep work. The conversations I have with my coachees can never happen organically in the context of normal life.

Once you step into my coaching space you will learn v quickly:
→ You didn’t have answers because you didn’t even know how to ask the right questions.

A Transformation Coach is self-development tool for serious people.
People who have the courage to face the truth about themselves.
The Truth that will shatter everything they know is true.

For everyone else I have nothing.
Go and be you, until being you is no longer working for you.

#coaching #kaizen #mindset



Chengeer Lee

Coach | I help Servant Leaders build Unshakeable Confidence and fulfill their Life Purpose ⚙️🔝