Building my Coaching Business — Ideal Client Profile

Chengeer Lee
5 min readOct 28, 2023
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I have met my Ideal Client yesterday.

Quick connect.

30 min convo.

She was probably talking for good 28 min.

All the thoughts that were bringing her down just spilled over. Almost like a dam going down. You pull the thread and the mind throws the whole tsunami.

I was smiling (inside) the whole time. Everything that I was able to synthesize through writing on my Ideal Candidate Profile practically manifested itself in the human that was sitting in front of me.

Everything she was saying about herself — I was nodding to each statement. Line by line.


  • VP in Tech
  • All external identifiers of success
  • High title
  • High income
  • High lifestyle
  • High-functioning (obviously)
  • Very strong communication skills
  • + technical skills/industry acumen

Everything is “screaming” success.

But guess what?

She doesn’t feel like success.

She feels the opposite.

